Constructing a Kubernetes Cluster spanning a Public Cloud VM and a Local VM: Part II
This is the second installment of a three part series on how to set up a Kubernetes cluster spanning a cloud VM and a local VM:
- Part I : Describes how to set up a VM on a cloud provider (I used Azure) and a local VM in VirtualBox , how to configure them for Kubernetes, and how to connect them together using a Wireguard VPN.
- Part II (here): Describes how to set up the Kubernetes cluster spanning the cloud VM and local VM with
, and how to ensure that the control and data plane run over the encrypted VPN connection. - Part III: Describes how to set up an Nginx reverse proxy and
on the cloud VM, and configure them so that a web application in the Kubernetes cluster can be served to the Internet through the cloud VM’s Internet-accessable DNS host name.
In this installment, we’ll use kubeadm
to install a Kubernetes node on central-node
as the cluster control node and gateway-node
as a worker node. Instructions are included for removing taints on central-node
to allow workload placement, so we can deploy applications there. Flannel is used for the intra-cluster, inter-pod network, though we need to make some changes in the default yaml manifest to enable the data plane to run over the Wireguard VPN.
The instructions below are a condensation of the kubeadm
instructions here and cluster configuration instructions here.
Installing the containerd
container runtime package and configuring a system service
Kubernetes no longer uses Docker as the default container runtime and, as a practical matter, installation and configuration of Docker for Kubernetes is now difficult. Instead, the default container runtime is containerd
which is another CNCF project. Docker is still a great environment for container development however.
Instructions for installing the latest version of containerd
and configuring can be found here, but they are slightly different for Ubuntu 20.04, so we use the easier path of installing the apt
sudo apt install containerd
This will install the package, configure a systemd
service with properly formatted unit file, and start the service, which installs a container runtime socket in the right place. This has the added advantage of installing the default systemd
cgroup driver.
Establishing Kubernetes apt
repo access on the nodes
Check whether you already have access to the Kubernetes repository with:
sudo apt policy | grep kubernetes
If you see something like:
500 kubernetes-xenial/main amd64 Packages
release o=kubernetes-xenial,a=kubernetes-xenial,n=kubernetes-xenial,l=kubernetes-xenial,c=main,b=amd64
Skip forward to the next section. If not, do the following.
Update the apt
package index and install packages needed to use the Kubernetes apt repository:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl
Download the Google Cloud public signing key:
sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/kubernetes-archive-keyring.gpg
Add the Kubernetes apt repository:
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/kubernetes-archive-keyring.gpg] kubernetes-xenial main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
Installing the Kubernetes system utility packages and kubeadm
To install the Kubernetes utilities and kubeadm
type the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
sudo apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl
This installs kubeadm, kubectl
and kubelet,
and starts kubelet
as a systemd
service. It also marks the Kubernetes utilites so that they are not automatically updated. The kubelet
on the gateway-node
will need some additional configuration but it needs to be done after the gateway-node
has joined the cluster.
Note that if the installation suggests you install any firewall packages, don’t install them since local firewalls will considerably complicate the cluster connectivity as discussed in Part I. If your host is connected directly to the Internet and you followed the directions in Part I on firewalls, you should already have a firewall installed, running, and configured.
Installing central-node
as a control node
We first need to run kubeadm
on central-node
with arguments specific to configuring central-node
as a control node. The following arguments need to be set:
- Since we are using Flannel, we need to reserve the pod CIDR using
. This reserves IP address space for the intra-cluster, inter-pod network. - We need to advertise the Kubernetes API server on the
interface so all traffic between the central node and the gateway nodes is encrypted. Use--apiserver-advertise-address=
. - The
socket should be specified using the argument--cri-socket=unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock
in case there are any other container runtime sockets lying about.
Note that if you think you may later want to turn the cluster into an HA cluster with multiple control plane nodes and a cloud provider load balancer, you should also include the --control-plane-endpoint
parameter as described here since it is not possible to configure a cluster HA unless the control plane IP address is specified when the cluster is created.
Run kubeadm init
on the central-node
sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --apiserver-advertise-address= --cri-socket=unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock
When kubeadm
is finished, it will print out:
Your Kubernetes control-plane has initialized successfully!You should now deploy a Pod network to the cluster. Run "kubectl apply -f [podnetwork].yaml" with one of the options listed at:/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/addons/You can now join any number of machines by running the following on each node as root:kubeadm join <control-plane-host>:6443 --token <token> --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:<hash>
Note that <control-plane-host>
will be the IP address of the primary interface on your cloud VM, an address in a private IP address space on the virtual private cloud network which the cloud provider has assigned to your VM. It will not be the wg0
interface IP address. Even though the cloud VM’s IP network and your site local network connected to the local VM are in completely separate routing domains, they have a route between them through the wg0
Since we will usekubeadm join
shortly to join the gateway-node
to the central-node
control plane, create a shell script file on gateway-node
with the first line #! /bin/bash
and copy the kubeadm join
command into it. Add --cri-socket=unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock
at the end of the second line, save and exit the editor. Make the file executable with chmod a+x
so it can run as a shell script.
To start using your cluster as a nonroot user, you need to run the following as a regular user:
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
This creates a subdirectory in your home directory called .kube
and copies the cluster configuration file into it.
Removing the taints on the control node prohibiting application workload deployment.
As installed out of the box, kubeadm
places taints on the control node disallowing deployment of application workloads. If you want to deploy applications to central-node
, you need to remove the taints:
kubectl taint node central-node
which should print out:
node/central-node untainted
and also run the command:
kubectl taint node central-node
You can check if the node is untainted with:
kubectl get nodes -o,TAINTS:.spec.taints --no-headers
which should show <none>
on central-node.
Installing the Flannel CNI plugin on the central node
Prior to installing Flannel, we need to modify the yaml manifest to utilize the Wireguard VPN interface for data plane traffic instead of the default interface on central-node.
By default, the Flannel controller assumes it should use the IP address from the first nonloopback interface as the public address of the node which is typically eth0
. Other CNI network plugins may have different ways of changing the data plane network interface.
Download the Flannel manifest onto central-node:
curl -k > kube-flannel-wireguard.yml
Search for where the container specification for the kube-flannel
container is located after the init-container
section and look for theargs:
key. This key has a list of arguments to the Flannel container when it is started. Edit the list so it looks like this:
— --ipmasq
— --kube-subnet-mgr
— --iface
— wg0
Note that the wg0
is on a separate line after the --iface
entry. It is the next element in the yaml array. On several web pages, there are instructions to put it directly after the iface
with an equals, this is incorrect.
To install Flannel:
kubectl apply -f kube-flannel-wireguard.yml
Note that Flannel now deploys into its own namespace, kube-flannel
, rather than into the kube-system
You can check if Flannel is running with:
kubectl get -n kube-flannel all
Flannel uses an annotation on the Kubernetes Node object to determine the public IP address of the node. Check for the annotation with:
kubectl describe node central-node | grep
It should be
on central-node
. When gateway-node
is up, check that it is
Also, you need to turn the checksum off on the flannel.1
interface to improve performance. The one shot command is :
sudo ethtool -K flannel.1 tx off
For reboot, set up a systemd
service as follows.
- As superuser, create a file called
#This sets triggers for kube-flannel to remove checksum calculation
#on the flannel.1 interface.
- As superuser, create a file called
Description=Disable TX checksum offload on flannel interface
ExecStart=/sbin/ethtool -K %I tx off
Then reload via:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart systemd-udevd.service
Installing gateway-node
as a worker node
To join gateway-node
to the cluster as a worker node, use the
shell script on gateway-node
you created above:
sudo ./
Note that the token is only good for a day, if you need to install more gateway nodes, use this command on central-node
to create a new one:
kubeadm token create
If you don’t have the value of --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash
you can find by running this command on central-node
openssl x509 -pubkey -in /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt | openssl rsa -pubin -outform der 2>/dev/null | \
openssl dgst -sha256 -hex | sed 's/^.* //'
Finally, to use kubectl
on the gateway-node
to deploy and monitor pods, you need to copy the config
file from your ~/.kube
directory on central-node
to gateway-node
. Also copy the file into /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
as root on the gateway-node
so other users have access to it.
Reinitializing the kubelet
on gateway-node
with the wg0
IP address
Like Flannel, the kubeadm join
command uses the first nonloopback interface on the node to to determine the Node object's public IP address. This address is then used to restart the kubelet
which acts as the local node manager. Since wg0
is not the first interface, the node's kubelet
will not be accessible from central-node
. In addition, if the Kubernetes control plane doesn't run over the Wireguard VPN, it will not be encrypted. We need to reinitialize the kubelet
so that it gets the correct address, If this step is not taken, central-node
will get a routing error when it tries to contact the kubelet
on gateway-node
, for example, when trying to exec
into a pod using kubectl
First, create as superuser a file calledkubelet
in /etc/default
with one line in it:
This argument is added to the startup command for the kubelet
by the systemd
unit file and will cause the kubelet
start with the IP address on the wg0
Next, edit the file /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml
as superuser and add a line after the apiVersion:
line with the address:
key and the wg0
IP address as the value, for example:
This will cause the kubelet
to listen on that address rather than the default (
) .
Finally, restart the kubelet
using systemctl
sudo systemctl stop kubelet
sudo systemctl disable kubelet
sudo systemctl enable kubelet
sudo systemctl start kubelet
You can test it by checking what interface the kubelet
is running on:
sudo ss -ltp | grep kubelet | grep
If you are wondering whether you should change thekubelet
address on central-node,
it isn’t necessary since traffic between the kubelet
and the Kubernetes API server on the central-node
stays on the the VM and does not go out over the Internet.
Checking the cluster
Check if everything is running OK by running kubectl
on gateway-node
kubectl get -n kube-system pods --output wide
And for the Flannel network:
kubectl get -n kube-flannel pods --output wide
These commands will write out all the Pods, Services, Deployments, etc. in their respective system namespaces.
Your cluster should now be ready for application deployment. You can deploy either on central-node
or on gateway node.
Part III leads your through deploying a demo microservice application onto the cluster and exposing the web service for Internet access.